Quite frankly, I have no rules. My students are 17-18 years old and have attended school for twelve years. By now, if they do not know how to behave in a class, another set of rules may not make much difference. They are expected to follow the general regulations of the school. My students are (or soon will be) adults. I afford to them the respect that adults expect and ask the same in return. I welcome conversation regarding student progress at any time from student or parent.
If you feel lost or sense that you are falling behind, you are likely to be the first to know. Drop by and we'll talk. I am available for help before and after school on most days in room 162. I request that you alert me early in the day of your intent to come in so that I will be expecting you.
You are likely to be taking four or five other courses besides physics. Success comes to those who plan ahead and manage their time.
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READING ASSIGNMENTS require that you visit an assigned web site, read what is there, and file a written summary of sufficient quality to prove you were there. I do not recommend printing large files that will be stuffed in a book bag and read (or not read) at a later time. A more acceptable strategy copy and paste the file to your word processor. From there you can delete what is unimportant and save the rest for future study.From outside the first class network You can email a copy to me at course-section#@fc.wtvl.k12.me.us I would rather not receive these on paper, please and thank you.
TO have your
work earn credit,The subject line must include your name and
the date the assignment is due. |
Whenever possible, exams will be announced five calendar days ahead and will usually be scheduled during 80-minute blocks to ensure sufficient time for you to complete your work. I am sensitive to students facing multiple exams on the same day. I will endeavor to schedule physics exams on days when no one else is testing. If you have been diligent in preparation--doing the reading, taking notes in class, attempting homework problems--there should be no surprises.
laboratory work From time to time you will be expected to summarize laboratory work in writing the that you have done in class. This is an important skill that will serve you well in the work place later on in life. Because your lab work is usually collaborative, you will usually be expected to submit one report per group. While a principal investigator in the group is likely to lead the writing effort, each member is expected to check the report for accuracy before it is submitted. For more information about how to write a lab report, click here.
Many students find that working in a small study group can be beneficial; organizing your thoughts so that you can convey them to your peers is a excellent way to firm up your understanding. I encourage study groups whenever possible.
I abhor dishonesty. It is easy to cut-and-paste the published work of someone else into a paper and pretend it is your work. You need to know that to the trained eye, it is relatively easy to detect. And a good search engine can reveal the source in seconds. If you must use the work of others, please acknowledge your action with quotation marks and the appropriate foot note or end note. Let me create a deterrent of sufficient magnitude to make dishonesty a poor bargain. Get caught cheating and you receive two grades of zero for your trouble. Further, any recommendation I write will make reference to this incident. |
Last edited 10/26/07